Saturday, 19 November 2011

The wind up doll

Illustration: Maria Morris

So here was my idea. An illustration every day for one month. Sounds easy yes? Well no because I got a wee bit carried away and ended up spending all my day working on something that was meant to be a a 'short' exercise. Oh well. Still a work in progress but this is where I got to today. Hand drawn first then worked into with collage and developed on photoshop.

The wind up doll. Every morning her key gets wound up and sets her springs. She spends the first few hours whizzing around in a manic haze of creativity then slowly winds down throughout the day and dies every night, just to start again tomorrow. Fitting for my first day I think.

Friday, 18 November 2011

If you go down to the woods today...

Illustration: Maria Morris

This started out as a working drawing for the Matryoshka collection but I loved it so much that I worked into it further and turned into the tale of siamese twins who having run away from the 'circus of curiosity' got lost in the dark forest. One day I'll get round to writing their story down somewhere but for now this illustration sustains the story in my head.

Thursday, 17 November 2011

Matryoshka; little mother dress

Illustration and idea for little mother dress. Inspired by parachutes, their shape, strength and how they unfold were all added to the cutting process and an idea of using the lining to bag up the outer and then release a  huge swarth of material to turn it from one shape to another was set upon.

Model: Dangerous Dolly
Photography: Andy Espin
Costume design: Maria Morris/ Matryoska collection

The white dove sat in her tree...
The show stopper of the whole collection. Dangerous Dolly was the most amazing model for this and worked really hard to make this work the way it did.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

House of cards

Model: Jenni
Costume: Maria

Beautiful dreams with jenni...